
WorldFengur: The studbook of origin for the Icelandic horse

Ásta Björk Friðjónsdóttir
min read
The new Icelandic horse app 'HorseDay' offers you a new and easier way to browse through WorldFengur

WorldFengur is known to most Icelandic horse community, but for those who don't know, is the studbook of origin for the Icelandic horse, often compared to “Íslendingabók” where Icelandic people look up whether they are related or not. There you can find information about Icelandic horses within the countries of the FEIF (International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations) on one approved database. Examples of the information that can be found on WorldFengur are horse’s pedigree, breeding assessments, colors and much more.

With a WorldFengur account, you have easy access to all your horses through the "paddock" and can find all information about them and for example add pictures, edit information and change ownership. The website is available in 10 languages from the countries that are the largest in the Icelandic horse community, and therefore it is safe to say that it is accessible to all concerned.

The unique thing about WorldFengur is that it offers a reliable platform for the Icelandic horse which maintains detailed and constantly updated information on a global level, but there are not many horse breeds that have such a comprehensive overview of the breed as a whole. Reliability is among the more valuable advantages of the site. This allows us users to trust WorldFengur and not question the validity of the information shown to us.

Equestrians in all stages of the Icelandic Horse community benefit from WorldFengur's database. Whether it's people in horse breeding, studying the family tree of stallions and pairing them with their mares or general horse owners learning more about their horses.

Browse for horses simply

In 2021, father and son Ólafur H. Einarsson and Oddur Ólafsson released the app HorseDay, which is developed specifically for the Icelandic horse and the community around it. In short, the app allows the user to track and manage all information about their horses in one place, such as training log from the trainer, shoeing history from the farrier, health history from the vet and more.

HorseDay is connected to WorldFengur, so users can also browse and look up their horses through the app. Due to HorseDay's connection to WorldFengur, all registered horses are already inside the app and have their own profile. The app offers to link together your WorldFengur and HorseDay account and therefore automatically get your “paddock” into the app.